Discover Your Personal Brand

Discover Your Personal Brand is the world’s First AICI accredited program that helps you understand the core elements of personal branding. It equips you with practical tools to build your successful personal brand.

AICI Logo Image Consulting Course

Please note that this course is a training approved by the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI). Certification, earned through the trainer upon completion of this course, is entirely independent from AICI’s professional certification programs. (If you wish to pursue AICI Certification, please refer to AICI’s website at

What Is Personal Branding

Personal Branding is the practice of marketing people and their careers as ‘Brands’.

It’s an ongoing process of developing & maintaining a reputation & impression of an individual.

Like every character in a story has a start, middle, and end, on similar grounds, personal branding has a start-to-end narrative that needs to be worked upon.

It starts with careful crafting of a personal brand that involves identifying the true nature of oneself, their values, what they stand for.

And it is quite obvious that it isn’t an overnight process. It is an ever-evolving journey that requires step-by-step evaluation.

Program Curriculum

The “Discover Your Personal Brand” program equips you with tools, techniques, and an exclusive blueprint on how to get started with personal branding.

Lesson 1

Define Your Personal Brand
Discover Brand Archetype

Lesson 2

Define Your Personal Brand
Brand Voice

Lesson 3

Define Your Personal Brand
Brand Visual


One on One
Personal Coaching Session (Optional)

Discover Your Personal Brand is the world’s First AICI accredited program that helps you understand the core elements of personal branding. It equips you with practical tools to build your successful personal brand. 

Who Is This Program For

  • Entrepreneurs 
  • Leaders 
  • C-suite executive 
  •  Coaches, Consultants & Trainers 
  • Managers and Team Leaders  
  • Personal Branding Enthusiasts  
  • Influencers  
  • Social Media Professionals 
  • Branding, Public Relations Experts 
  • Students 

Anyone who is interested to learn Personal Branding

Meet Your Trainer

Sonia Dubey Dewan, AICI CIP

This program will be exclusively taught by ISIM Founder, Ms. Sonia Dubey Dewan. She is India’s First AICI Certified Image Professional and a Global Personal Brand Strategist.

Over 1000 individuals including 200+ entrepreneurs, 100 CEOs/MDs of companies, 150+ image consultants, 80 business & life coach coaches as well as 250 fitness coaches are part of her clientele who have established their personal brands due to her expert advice and knowledge.

With her exclusive masterclass, she looks forward to help individuals and teams who want to identify their brand, learn easy-to-implement steps to develop a strategy, and launch their personal brands.

Develop, Maintain & Promote Your Unique Personal Brand