There is no health without mental health; mental health is too important to be left to the professionals alone, and mental health is everyone’s business.
Vikram Patel (Psychiatrist)
All of us put our time and energy into our physical health. There is a lot of awareness about organic & superfood, different types of diet plan, trending fitness regime, but when it comes to mental health, people hesitate to discuss their problems and seek help. The reason is, our society still hasn’t accepted how serious and critical the situation is. There is a social taboo attached to mental disorders. Below are the facts published by NIMHANS-National Mental Health Survey, India (2015-2016) which are alarming and showcases the grim reality:
- The mental morbidity of individuals above the age of 18 yrs currently is 10.6% and lifetime prevalence is 13.7% of the surveyed population. As per WHO, the percentage will go up to 20% in 2020.
- Almost 1% of the population reported high suicidal risk
- Nearly 80% of people suffering from mental disorder had not received any treatment
despite the presence of illness for more than 12 months.

Experiencing a mental health problem is hard enough, without having to deal with the shame and isolation that often comes with it.
It is time that we break the cultural stereotypes about mental well-being and think beyond the set notions. The least we could do is respond in a way that enhances their self-image and boost their confidence. Here are few things we all can practice and apply when we come across a person suffering from a mental disorder:
- Have patience
- Be supportive
- Value their opinion
- Never criticize
- Spend time with them and never leave them alone
- Always maintain a positive environment around
- Seek professional help
- Encourage them to pursue a hobby
- Push them to do exercise even if it’s for half an hour
- Stop being overprotective
- Build confidence by giving them the responsibility to do a particular task
- Never dismiss their illness; Avoid minimizing their pain (It’s not such a big deal,
Grow up, Everyone feels like that sometimes)

Constantly think about the impact and the consequence of your reaction on others. Always remember, it can happen to any individual. Like any other illness, a mental disorder is also an illness that is identifiable and treatable.

Ishita is an Internationally Certified Image Consultant from the Indian School of Image Management (ISIM) and International Image Institute, Canada | Class of February 2021 | Over 9+ experience in Fashion Industry as a Retail Planner and have worked with the organisations-TCNS Clothing (W, Aurelia), Aditya Birla Group-Pantaloons, Shopper's Stop & Landmark Group-Max Division.
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