5 Beneficial Body Language Tips To Succeed In 2023

Body Language Tips Article ISIM Global Image Magazine

Body Language is a language that has no sound yet is impactful! Hence, we need helpful body language tips to ensure we send out the right message.

Our body, its posture, and actions often speak more than the words we say to others. We don’t realize but most of the time people around us observe our behavior based on the way we conduct ourselves.

Table of Contents

1. Posture

2. Eye Contact

3. Movement

4. Walk

5. Touch

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Here are some tips for you to make you look friendly, and approachable while adding a little extra to your existing charm:

Body Language Tip 1 – Posture

Posture In Body Language Tips Article ISIM Global Image Magazine

People with the right posture are more attractive than the ones who slouch the most. Therefore, attaining the right posture is one of the most significant body language tips on this list.

We often relax by slouching, bending, and leaning a little. Though it is comforting initially over a period, we make it a habit and our bodies automatically form that shape.

A straight body posture always makes one look confident, charming, and approachable. The one who slouches will always appear unfriendly and unwelcoming. So, straighten up that back and add a charm!

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Body Language Tip 2 – Eye Contact

Eyes talk more than words! Our eyes always brighten when we are happy and get dull when we are sad.

When in public having a conversation with somebody, always remember to maintain decent eye contact, which means no over-staring and no ignorance at the same time.

Eye Contact In Body Language Tips Article ISIM Global Image Magazine

When talking, look into each other’s eyes. It helps you build trust in each other, and you sound more genuine.

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Body Language Tip 3 – Movement

We, humans, tend to move more subconsciously than we do in our consciousness.

We freely move our hands in any and every direction without realizing that it appears unprofessional and discomforting for others. This is crucial when one has to know how to use body language effectively.

Always stay conscious when speaking in public or among a group of people of how you make movements with your arms and legs. Actions are required but in an appropriate manner that your actions are limited to yourself and not getting overboard.

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Body Language Tip 4 – Walk

Your walk tells a lot about you. When you see someone walking in rush, what comes to your mind? He/she must be getting late, right?

When you walk in public or enter any venue it communicates your mood for the moment. Always walk at a moderate pace, look straight, and maintain a decent posture.

Walking In Body Language Tips Article ISIM Global Image Magazine

One appears confident and graceful when entering with a smile. It brings an instant shine to your face.

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Body Language Tip 5 – Touch

When in public, interact with a bunch of people and spend some time with them. Remember to ensure you do not touch others.

We tend to touch others while laughing or having fun. Though it may appear friendly to you, the other person may not like it that much and perceive it differently.

Touch In Body Language Tips Article ISIM Global Image Magazine

Always maintain a one-arm distance when interacting with others. Do not get too close or touchy towards the other person.

Hope the above body language tips will help you carry yourself more gracefully in public. Remember to wear that beautiful smile to enhance your personality.

If you wish to know more about productivity, effective communication, personality and holistic living, check out our ‘Knowledge Happy Hour’ series.


  • Charu Sahni

    Alumni | Image Management Dual Certification Program at Indian School of Image Management (ISIM) | Class of February 2020 | Charu has 9+ years of experience in the field of Human Resource Management. She has worked with brands like Royal Bank of Scotland, Mercer Mettl, SRL Ltd., Tata 1MG, and Consilio LLC.

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