Do you feel underconfident before heading towards a meeting?
Experiencing anxiety and doubt most of the time hampers maintaining a solid clientele and professional relationship. It affects your personal life as well.

It is essential to understand the empowering correlation between Soft Skills and Mental Health to tackle these circumstances.
According to Maria Coulson, the managing director of Ricorda Consultancy Ltd. says,
“Soft skills include interpersonal skills, Emotional intelligence, and Communication skills which are key to building and sustaining a healthy and inclusive culture in an organization.”
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Correlation between Soft Skills and Mental Health:
Recent studies have shown that there exists a strong correlation between Soft Skills and Mental Health.

The more you are better able to manage your A-B-C i.e Appearance, Behavior, and communication, the better you will feel about your mental health. This, in turn, leads to improved well-being.
We all dream of a life above mediocrity.
Now, let’s assume that we all are living at zero. It indicates that we are doing just fine. However, there is life above zero and we wish to achieve that.
Nevertheless, the question that persists is, How do we do it? This is where Image Management plays a huge role.

By learning the skills and art of managing and improving your image, you will feel satisfied and contended. Our brains are plastic in nature. They can be molded in any form.
Unfortunately, we haven’t learned Soft Skills early in our lives, so the brain doesn’t register this to date.
It is only when we start realizing and moving inwards, thereby developing a strong sense of self-awareness.
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How do Soft Skills contribute to our mental health?
The following points are helpful in understanding “You” in the context of Soft skills and the ways in which it can be beneficial to your mental health:
1. Self-confidence

Self-confidence is a combination of Self -Esteem which comprises (Self Image + Perception of Others), Talent, and Skills and Abilities acquired by you.
Soft Skills enhance your self-confidence in a way that promotes your mental well-being.
2. Self-motivation

The ability to do what needs to be done, without the influence of other people or situations.
In other words, this is also known as Intrinsic Motivation wherein you tend to be internally motivated to perform better. High self-motivated individuals generally do better in their mental health.
3. Self-doubt

When the above-mentioned criteria are met, there has been observed lower levels of self-doubt emerge.
4. Satisfaction

The amount of satisfaction obtained from one’s appearance and communication is high, which produces happy hormones in the brain, contributing to high contentedness.
Focusing on one’s image, and enhancing and improving one’s outlook creates a dopamine rush inside the brain which helps to rewire the neurons and patterns in the brain.

According to research in the field of Neuroscience, it has been observed that changing the existing patterns helps in creating new and healthy habits for your brain, in turn aiding in transforming your personality completely.
Soft skills are not just external, but internal as well. It encourages to have a heightened state of awareness. Self-awareness becomes the foundation for developing and improving Soft Skills.
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When can you know what you need to work on your image?
The very first thing to be kept in mind is when you feel there is a deterioration in your mental well-being.

To put it simply, you are no longer feeling confident and happy with the present “You” and hence there is an utmost need to change the image.
One cannot live with an old image and a new identity. The fact that our identity changes over time, so should our image.
We hope you got acquanited with the relationship between Soft Skills and Mental Health. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
Currently pursuing Image Management Dual Certification Program at Indian School of Image Management (ISIM) | Class of November 2022 | Pavitra is a Mental Health Enthusiast and a French Langauge Trainer by profession. She is currently pursuing her Master's in Counseling and Family Therapy. She is a Polyglot and has a keen interest in changing the lives of people for the better.
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