7 Top Image Consulting Career Opportunities


There are countless career opportunities in Image Consulting to choose from. Depending on your area of interest and favorable niche, you could go on to practice in aspects of Appearance, Behavior, and Communication.

Image Consulting Career Opportunities

You could choose to curate wardrobes or polish the communication skills of your clients. With plenty of opportunities, you get to establish your own brand and set yourself apart from the ordinary.

To give you more ideas about the same, here is a list of best Image Consulting Career Opportunities to keep in the mind:

1. Start Your Own Image Consulting Business

A challenging yet the most lucrative career route to take is the entrepreneurial route. After completing your Image Consulting course, you could set up your own Image Consulting Business and practice as a Certified Image Consultant.

Image Consulting Business Image Consulting Career Opportunities

This means you have to plan out your finances, resources, location, and build your brand identity. You could either work solo or collaborate with your fellow peers to run a successful Image Consulting Business.

Calculated risks, thorough planning, effective execution of strategy, and a considerable amount of time are essential to succeed. AICI accredited Image Consulting programs like the one at ISIM offer Business Development classes, tools, blueprints, and all the resources that help everyone to kickstart their Image Consulting Business.

2. Corporate Trainer

For anyone who wishes to help train professionals, corporate training is the optimum image consulting career option to go for.

Corporate Trainer Image Consulting Career Opportunities

Corporate trainers are hired by companies to train employees in soft skills that are required to thrive in the workplace resulting in better productivity and performance.

These skills include communication skills, business writing etiquette, public speaking, presentation skills, job-specific functional and technical skills.

Given that the demand for corporate trainers is on the rise since all companies are looking to have an edge over the competition, you will receive rewarding work opportunities.

3. Etiquette Consultant/ Behavior Coach

Not everyone is well-versed in etiquettes or has the right knowledge about appropriate behavior. This is where an Etiquette Consultant comes into the picture.

Etiquette Trainer Behavior Coach Image Consulting Career Opportunities

An Etiquette Coach trains individuals on how to behave properly in a social or business setting. Depending upon the type of clients and their requirements, etiquette consultants teach dining etiquettes, corporate etiquettes, communication etiquette, and much more.

As a certified Image Consultant, you will be well-versed with all the etiquettes during your training and hence it opens up opportunities for you to operate as an etiquette coach.

You will find incredible work opportunities in sectors such as Customer Service, Hospitality, Events, Public Relations, International Relations, and Protocol, etc. 

4. Personal Shopper

If you have an interest in curating fashion and outfits, then becoming a Personal Shopper is the right choice after completing your Image Consulting program.

Personal Shopper Image Consulting Career Opportunities

A personal shopper helps clients to shop for the right clothing and accessories as per the requirement. They work as personal stylists of individuals and hence curate as well as update their wardrobe by shopping on their behalf.

Various boutiques, department stores, clothing brand outlets also hire personal shoppers to assist customers with their personal styling requirements. You may also work as a freelance personal shopper and help clients shop online for the right clothes and accessories.

5. Body Language & Communication Trainer

Communication is one of the essentials cores of Image Consulting education and hence becoming a Body Language & Communication trainer is an excellent way to kickstart a career.

Body Language Trainer Communication Trainer Image Consulting Career Opportunities

As a Body Language trainer, you will be able to train clients and individuals, the correct way of using nonverbal communication such as gestures, facial expressions, body postures, eye movements, voice modulations as well as appropriate ways to use touch and space.

Sectors such as corporate firms, hospitality, aviation, education institutions look to hire Communication trainers to groom their teams in the best way possible. Hence, opting to become a Body Language Trainer is another lucrative Image Consulting career opportunity.

6. Fashion Stylist/ Wardrobe Stylist 

Another one of the sought-after careers in the Image Consulting domain is Fashion Styling. Individuals with a great sense of style and a deep interest in fashion may opt for this career opportunity after completing their Image Management course.

Wardrobe Stylist Fashion Stylist Image Consulting Career Opportunities

Also known as Wardrobe Stylists, you will be able to consult clients for award shows, music videos, commercials, movies, and official photoshoots. You have to assist and collaborate with photographers, directors, fashion designers, hair and makeup stylists to create the best-suited look for your clients.

Fashion Stylists who especially assist, curate, and accessorize styles of celebrities are known as Celebrity Stylists. Apart from finding freelance work, Fashion Stylists are hired by fashion labels, advertising agencies, and media houses for assisting in terms of wardrobe requirements as per the relevant themes.

7. Personal Brand Strategist and Public Relations

Branding has become a crucial element of marketing for all businesses. But personal branding is yet another area where the demand for a personal brand strategist or consultant is very high. This poses exceptional opportunities for Image Consultants and trainers to venture into personal branding.

Personal Brand Strategist Image Consulting Career Opportunities

As Brand Strategist, you get to help your clients establish their authentic personal brand. You work along with individual clients or a group to help them achieve their marketing goals by building credibility.

By curating their overall image, you help clients to reach their target audience and build the trust to generate business opportunities by establishing them as subject matter experts.

Image Consulting is an ever-growing and holistic field and hence its career options are boundless. If you are interested to check out the emerging career opportunities in Soft Skills Training, click here.


  • Sonia Dubey Dewan, AICI CIP

    Sonia Dubey Dewan, AICI CIP, is the Founder and Managing Partner of the Indian School of Image Management (ISIM). She is an Entrepreneur, an Image Consultant, an International Keynote Speaker, and Published Author, and the first Internationally Certified Image Professional (CIP) in the AICI India Chapter.

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